Chezy Champs
Day 1
Crack! The intake shattered. Chezy Champs was not getting off to an easy start. With quick thinking, we made some improvised repairs. By the time we had finished fixing out intake, the practice matches were over.

It might not look nice, but our patch held strong.
Students load the robot onto the field.
Day 2
We didn’t have enough time to tune or robot during day one, so we started the day behind schedule. Our redeeming moment of the day happened during quals match 45. Our plan was to steal some balls from the opposing team during the autonomous period. They caught wind of our plan and orchestrated a counter attack. We successfully stole some of their balls and team 254 drove at us at full speed. Their plan was to hit us in their area and score foul points in their favor. Instead, we moved away and they sped past us, hitting the trench and disabling their own robot for the rest of the match.

Our team captain represents us during alliance selection.
Our Glorious Moment From Qual 45
Day 3
Our final day was quite eventful. We did well in our final quals matches (apart from when a friendly robot accidentally unplugged our robotics electrical system). Because of this, we were selected to join an alliance with 2168, 1678, and 3374. We won our first quarterfinals match, cutting it close and climbing in the last 5 seconds. Our alliance won our next quarterfinals match, moving us to the semifinals. It was here that – after an honorable battle – we were forced to admit defeat. Overall, our robot performed very well, and we are super proud of all the work we have done on it. We had a ton of fun at Chezy Champs, and we would call this a successful mission.
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